With over 11 years of experience in the financial industry, owner of Hollifield Financial Group Kimsey Hollifield is passionate about uplifting and educating women on structuring their financial houses. A passion rooted in being born to a single mother, being raised with a sister and now having a daughter of his own, Hollifield aims empower females when it comes to their financial futures.
Whether meeting one-on-one or at one of the many women-focused events he has planned in 2024, as an independent fiduciary, Hollifield will guide his clients toward their goals by comparing what they are doing with what they can do.
To simplify this process, Hollifield creates a “money map,” a visual tool that addresses the client’s current income, savings, investments and insurance. Hollifield then gives his clients a “speed limit questionnaire” to learn the level of risk that the client is most comfortable with, ensuring that no matter what, the client will know where their money is and how it will produce. The next step, Hollifield says, “is looking into next-level options such as structured notes, which is a bank product with high-interest rates, annuities for lifetime income, dividend stocks to generate monthly income, IRAs, other retirement accounts.”
When asked about projections for 2024, Hollifield asserted the age-old wisdom, “Look at your savings and put a portion where you can’t lose it and where it won’t fluctuate.” That’s why the company motto is Smart. Safe. Simple.
For more information, please visit HollifieldFinancial.com, or call 843-400-3022.
By Sarah Rose