Kristy Ellisor, head of marketing and communications for Convergent Financial Group, says it was natural for her to launch what has become a rewarding career. Working with her husband, Jeremy, has been a bonus.
As a college student many years ago, she worked at a publishing company in various roles and eventually ended up assisting the firm’s sales team.
“It was a natural fit for my personality. It’s actually pretty ironic that I do the marketing for a financial firm because finance was never an interest of mine. … That was the case until my husband launched his first financial firm, and, suddenly, it became very personal. It was then we realized that I could help bridge the gap in reaching what I would call the ‘normal’ nonfinancial person and someone like him with a ‘nerdy’ financial mind.”
With her husband serving as her mentor and championing her in various ways, Ellisor adheres to a winning philosophy of treating customers in a down-to-earth manner
“Nobody wants to be talked down to with a bunch of financial lingo, and it really serves no good purpose anyway. My desire is to get rid of the stereotypical financial-advisor attitudes so that we are approachable.” And with this attitude setting the tone, Ellisor is able to simplify the complexities of money, planning and investing so clients get the best advice for their specific circumstances in a manner that makes sense to them. “I want our business to serve our clients as I would want to be served,” Ellisor stated.
Before leaving to birth and then care for two young children, “the profession” was the priority, but she now holds more value in life experience, her Christian beliefs and the relationships she establishes with each person as a client. “There’s me, the working woman, but there’s also me — the wife, the mom, the daughter, the friend, the neighbor, the mentor and so on. … And those relationships are just as important to me. I feel like I’m finally beginning to figure it out as long as I keep my priorities straight.”
A Lowcountry native, Ellisor loves where she does business and lives. “There’s a sort of a relaxed Lowcountry state-of-mind that feels very natural to me and some really amazing people who make it a pleasure to live and work here.”
By John Torsiello