Lowcountry Contractors
(843) 242-8838
When did you decide to go into the business?
Since I was little, I have wanted to go into a business where I could transform spaces. This is mainly because of growing up watching my father, a builder in Columbia, do what I thought was the impossible. I remember riding around with him in his work truck to different sites and following the progress of a full kitchen or bath transformation. I could see a satisfaction he had when he had finalized a project and created something beautiful. I wanted to have this.
How do you find your passion?
My passion lies mostly in art. I started taking an interest in art when I was a teenager. I was lucky enough to go to a school with an excellent art program. My favorite aspect of my job is putting together different colors, textures and patterns to make them flow together similar to a piece of art. Staying in touch with my artistic side keeps me inspired.
Tell us about how you grew up.
I grew up in Columbia, the youngest of three, with hardworking parents., There was never a dull moment in our home. Watching my dad’s work ethic combined with my mom’s heart of gold has shaped who I am.
Give us some success tips for someone starting out.
The best advice I ever received was, “You’ve got to learn how to draw.” Learning how to draw in any kind of architectural or design software is key.