Simply Seniors
CW: When did you decide to go into the business you are in?
“Simply Seniors was created in March of 2017. After being an administrator for assisted living and memory care facilities for over 10 years, I had been trying to determine how to serve seniors and their families.”
CW: How do you find your passion?
“I was raised by my grandparents and love the elderly and have had two grandmothers with dementia, and I wanted to help families create long-term solutions that provide the best quality of life and make sense financially.”
CW: What things do you find difficult?
“Seeing families who have a loved one who can no longer live in their home safely is heartbreaking. We always try to help them figure out how to help, whether we can provide in-home care or get them appropriately placed in one of the many facilities available. It’s not about finding a facility; it’s about finding the right facility.”
CW: What inspires you?
“Having families who lovingly call me their ‘Olivia Pope.’ Being able to help families and clients create long-term plans and seeing that we make a difference every day. When families call us they are usually exhausted and don’t think they have any options. Hearing them say ‘wow, I’m so glad I called you, I feel so much better now’ is priceless.”
CW: Tell us about how you grew up and what or who shaped you into the woman you are today.
“My grandparents raised me after my mom died when I was 3. I’d hear my Bammaw (grandmother) continually telling me to make sure that I got a good education so that I could always support myself and any kids that I may have. My grandfather was a hard worker who always encouraged me to push myself and see the person I wanted to be and make it happen. He was my everything, and he showed me that whatever the circumstances, I could and would do hard things, and that I didn’t have to follow anyone’s rules, that I was responsible for myself and that it was up to me to create the life that I wanted.”