South Carolina C2C
1812 Hall Point Road
Mount Pleasant, SC
CW: When did you decide to go into the business you are in?
“I decided to start my own business in 2002 when my current real estate career had little to no upward mobility. I knew there was a need for my services.”
CW: How do you find your passion?
“I work very hard at what I do because I love helping the families with their homes, along with my agents. I enjoy solving problems and getting things done.”
CW: What things do you find difficult?
“The only thing I can honestly think of is when the home is from a loved one who has passed away. Their family is truly heartbroken having to sell. That hits you.”
CW: What inspires you?
“My family and my faith. I have a 15-year-old son and a 13-year-old daughter. I need to show them what a hardworking woman can be. I can be a mom who is strict, fun, serious, silly and loves life, while maintaining a career that I love. My faith keeps me grounded to what is really important.”
CW: Tell us about how you grew up and what or who shaped you into the woman you are today.
“I am a local girl. I grew up in Hanahan and graduated there in 1991. I went to the University of South Carolina and then the College of Charleston. My parents are my heroes. I have the strongest and toughest mom out there. She was a very successful nurse anesthetist, and my daddy started his own business in 1980. He employed more than 50 people, and the company is still going today. My daddy was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease when he was 48 years old. He never stopped living, and he never quit. He had two DBS surgeries, which allowed him to have a great life. Sadly, we lost him last June at the age of 81. Two days before, he was out riding his bike. They inspire me and they molded me.”
CW: Who influences you in your life currently?
“My husband, Dennis. We have been married for almost 18 years but have been friends since way before that. He and my brother are high school friends. I always tell him he can’t act like he didn’t know what he was getting into by marrying me! Also my children because I want to give them a life like Dennis and I had growing up. And my family, mainly my brother. He had a rough year last year, and, like our dad, he never stopped. He started his own engineering and home inspection business several years ago. Finally, my friends. I have the best group of friends that I surround myself with. I count my blessings every day for them.”