The Paul Smith Team
170 Meeting Street Suite 110
Charleston, SC
Giulia, you came from Italy not speaking English. How did you get to this point?
I was on the Italian national rowing team and competed in the world championships three years in a row. My best friend and I were offered full scholarships to Clemson University. I managed to learn English over a semester and fell in love with the relaxed culture and hospitality of South Carolina. After college, I moved to Charleston and married an 8th-generation local who was starting his real estate career. Many late nights working together led us to building the team we now have.
So you would say you are living the “American Dream?”
Absolutely. I’m grateful for the opportunities I was given by the United States. Compared to Italy, where it’s hard to break from the status quo, this is truly the land of opportunity. I’m thankful to be married to a great guy, to have two sweet baby boys and to have a successful business.
Has coming from another culture helped you in business?
Yes. Italians are known for being caring, generous and passionate. When I realized that these were the most important qualities in a great real estate agent, I knew I had found my calling. Finding creative ways to bless clients is one of my favorite things to do.
What are your goals?
It’s difficult to succeed in real estate without mentorship and support. My main goal is to help 50 women across the nation succeed in real estate over the next four years. To be able to help that many women, I’m actively building a training course with the most critical action items needed to grow a business.
What’s something your team does differently than others?
Next Level Parties! We don’t just host open houses…we host MEGA Open Houses! We offer food trucks, jump castles and giveaways. Our Mega Open Houses regularly attract between 50 and 80 buyers in a two-hour period. We don’t just get a closing gift; we host housewarming parties with open bars and live entertainment.
What’s something innovative you’ve done to get outside your comfort zone?
I have always been self-conscious about getting on video because of my Italian accent, but I was challenged to post 30 videos on Instagram in only a month. The nerves almost stopped me, but I pushed past that fear. It was a great experience, and I found that people liked me more BECAUSE of my accent. My perceived weakness became my strength! Sometimes, our biggest fears stop us from taking the action that would open new doors and change our lives. Want to hear my accent and watch my videos? Follow me on Instagram, @giulialongatti.