1036B Johnnie Dodds Blvd.
Mount Pleasant, SC
CW: When did you decide to go into the business you are in?
“During college. This was a part-time job while in college, and I fell in love with the jewelry, the designing aspect and the customers.”
CW: How do you find your passion?
“Making people happy every day is my passion.”
CW: What habits do you implement in day-to-day life that you attribute to success?
“The golden rule: treat others the way you want to be treated, always smile and say hello to everyone.”
CW: What things do you find difficult?
“Mean and unhappy people.”
CW: How have the past year’s challenges changed you?
“I am more patient, more grateful, and don’t take each day for granted.”
CW: What inspires you?
“When I design a piece of jewelry and customers notice it and love it.”
CW: Tell us about how you grew up and what or who shaped you into the woman you are today.
“My mom and dad. They raised me to never give up, to fight for what I want and to keep faith and God in my life. They have always been my biggest cheerleaders and number-one fans.”
CW: Who influences you in your life currently?
“All of my family and friends. They are very successful and I love bouncing ideas off of them. They always give me great advice.”
CW: If you could have dinner with anyone (alive or passed away), who would it be and why?
“Wow, super-hard question, only because I know I will leave someone out. So, first my dad because he passed away several years ago, and he and I always enjoyed a great meal together. My family, scuba buddies and my circle of friends because we always have a great time when we are together. And as for famous people: Mark Wahlberg, Scuba Steve (inside joke with my husband), Amal and George Clooney, Meg Ryan, Adam Levine, the Friends cast and Cameron Diaz.”
CW: Tell us about your family.
“I have the best family in the world. I am so lucky and grateful to have the most loving husband with three beautiful grown children, and my immediate family is the best — my beautiful mom, the most wonderful brother and sister-in-law and nephews and niece. And my husband’s family is the absolute best. I have the best mother- and father-in-law in the world. Also I have tons of wonderful cousins, great aunts and uncles. We are like the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding.”
CW: Give us some success tips for someone just starting out in your line of work.
“Be patient and be kind; karma is real. If you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life.”
Read More About Nan Butler
Nan Butler of Skatell’s: Selling Stunning Pieces of Jewelry to Generations of Customers