From supporting survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking to investing in the next generation of Charleston women, take some time this season to extend a hand to a sister in need. Here are a few ways you can put your boots — or high heels — on the ground to make a difference that […]
Charleston Women in Philanthropy
Turning the Light Back On: Bright Spot Sober Living
Since beginning her sobriety journey in 2018, Nicole Bonnema has dedicated herself to helping women in recovery. After noticing a huge gap in sober living facilities for women in the Charleston area, she founded Bright Spot Sober Living, which offers safe, secure housing to women who need help transitioning back to society following addiction and […]
At Home with Ann Edwards
It almost seems as if it were predestined. After being away for decades in Columbia, Louisville, Detroit and Philadelphia, she returned in 1979 to the Old Village to live in the house just next door to the cottage she grew up in. And it’s still her home, surrounded by the beauty of Charleston Harbor and […]
A Nonprofit for Nonprofits
Community transformation. It’s a lofty goal, one that many dream of, some attempt and few achieve. Enter The Hub at Centerpoint. Not only has The Hub found success in their efforts at bettering their community, but they are also helping others in their own journeys to the same destination. As a key founder in The […]
Illuminating the Past to Influence the Future
The Charleston Magazine Tour of Homes issue would be remiss without acknowledging the enslaved people who were in large part responsible for building and running the grand historical houses for which Charleston is famous, as well as raising the families who lived in them. In her soon-to-be-released book “‘Payne-ful’ Business, Charleston’s Journey to Truth,” native […]
A Chat with Miss Lowcountry Teen: Ely Carroll
What is miss lowcountry teen, and why is it a title you aimed to have? Miss Lowcountry Teen is a local preliminary scholarship pageant that’s part of the Miss SC Teen competition and the Miss America organization. To be honest, I entered this pageant on a whim. I’ve always been community-service driven and had the […]
Susan Matthews Presents Wagoween: A Doggone Good Time for a Cause
Though summer is still in full wing, now is the time to get those fun fall activities on the calendar. If you want to have a howling good time in the Lowcountry this October, treat yourself and a furry best friend to Wagoween, a Halloween costume contest for dogs. This year’s second annual event will […]
She Cares Woman-Run Nonprofits Dot the Lowcountry
The Charleston community is filled with incredible women making strides toward a stronger community and a more compassionate world as they lead some of the city’s most influential nonprofit organizations. They fight for women and children, those with disabilities and health challenges, people of all backgrounds in need of support and they do it all […]
Advanced Animal Care: Opportunities and Optimal Care
For Dr. Leslie Steele, co-owner of the Advanced Animal Care practice, pro-preventative wellness care such as physical exams, vaccinations and blood work are the keys to early detection of health issues because they unlock more options for treatment if needed. These procedures also apply for indoor cats, who need regular check-ups as much as dogs […]